

A list of my academic achievements and projects



The personal projects I have created

About Me

Main Skills

  • C#
  • Concurrunt Programming
  • Client-Server Applications
  • Embedded Systems
  • MY SQL

I first start programming Python and Java (Minecraft Mods) back in grade 8.

The following year I started studying it in highschool where I received formal teaching for Python and JavaScript. This started was my first step into web development. Around this time I had a large interest in game development and started programming in GameMaker: Studio, later GameMaker: Studio 2. I created a few projects and became personal friends with quite a few successful indie developers.

In grades 11 and 12 my focus became more on programming and Computer Science in general. I started learning C# which allowed me to create more applications. I focussed on Windows Console apps and Windows Form Apps allowing me to get to grip with more complex programming concepts and practices while keeping the content simple and managable.

In University my C# skills developed further creating ASP.NET applications, client-server applications; alongside learning AI, data analysis and computer vision in Python; I learnt C++ for lower-level applications and embedded systems; and Java for Android applications. All of these have helped me in both personal projects and my University education.

During University I still had an interest in games development and started work in Unreal Engine 4 and 5 with blueprints. During University I made a decision to focus primarily on software development and keep games development as a hobby.

After University I travelled to Australia and worked in hospitality while exploring QLD. During this time I created mini-projects for myself to keep up my standard of programming but learning slowed down. This website serves as a purpose to teach me how to use Jekyll with HTML.


0426 627 631


Brisbane, Queensland